Royal Arch Principals Regalia Set




Royal Arch Principals Regalia Set

The Royal Arch Principals Regalia Set is a distinguished ensemble of ceremonial attire specifically designed for the Principals of the Royal Arch Chapter in Freemasonry. This set typically includes regal aprons, sashes, collars, and jewels, all crafted with meticulous attention to detail and adorned with symbolic emblems and designs unique to the office of the Principals. Made from high-quality materials such as lambskin leather or imitate leather, each piece in the regalia set exudes elegance and significance. Wearing the Royal Arch Principals Regalia Set symbolizes the wearer’s leadership, wisdom, and commitment to upholding the teachings and traditions of the Royal Arch Chapter, making it a mark of honor and respect within the Freemasons.

Select Apron Quality:

Standard, Lambskin


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